Why you should make toner a part of your skin care regimen

Blonde female wiping toner on her cheek

A commonly-ignored step in many skin care routines, toners are for use after cleansers to ensure the skin returns to the proper acid (PH) balance. Toners also aid in removing remaining dirt, oils or cleanser not rinsed off – while also helping to freshen skin tone and improve skin clarity.

Toners can help pores look smaller

Using a toner after cleansing removes any dirt and oil buildup, which helps give the appearance of smaller pores.

Toners can help retain moisture

Some toners act as humectants, helping to bind water and moisture to the skin.

Toners can help restore skin’s pH balance

Soaps and cleansers can disrupt the skin’s natural pH balance, which is acidic, with a pH balance between five and six. When skin’s protective “acid mantle” is disrupted, its ability to resist bacteria along with indoor and outdoor pollutants is reduced, which can lead to blemishes and skin issues. So restoring the skin’s proper pH balance is crucial to a healthy complexion: This is what a toner can accomplish.

Toners can help protect the skin

One of the things toners can do it to help “tighten” cell gaps after cleansing – this makes it more difficult for contaminants to penetrate into the skin.

While toners are often seen as something only for people with oily and/or acne-prone skin, they can be beneficial for all skin types – you just have to find the right toner for you.

Reviva Labs has a line of toners and tonics that can benefit every skin type. From our Elastin/Collagen Toner which is excellent for sensitive skin, to our Glycolic Acid Toner that can help freshen mature or damaged skin, our toners are gentle yet effective.