A few keen-eyed Reviva fans have noticed recently that our packaging is changing slightly. And some have asked why. It’s true; while our overall packaging remains consistent with our rebranding that started a few years ago, we’ve started to modify some of the actual printing techniques used.

We’ve begun to eliminate the metallic foil stamping from our boxes. Some eco-friendly consumers had pointed out that foil-stamped paper materials are less recyclable. And while this might be debatable, we decided to side with Mother Earth. So as we print new boxes or debut new products we’re “cleaning-up” the boxes, removing the foil stamping, so our display boxes are more recycle friendly.
We’re also applying the similar eco-friendly improvements to our jar and bottle labels too. Our original rebranded labels involved printing on foil-based material which was then coated in several layers of white and ink to achieve a foil-like appearance. This material also seemed inappropriate and so we opted to choose a better material that doesn’t involve foils.
As we enter the next phase of our rebranding and reinvention we plan to continue evaluating each item that’s part of our products to see if we can make better and more eco-friendly choices. From the label material, to printing techniques, to the plastics and materials used. Reviva Labs has always been a supporter of the environment and we aim to continue being good stewards of our planet. So when we can make smarter choices for our packaging or processes we’ll always side with more eco-friendly choices when it’s feasible.
So glad to read this here! I genuinely thought the last 2 identical products I bought were knock offs inside w/o the foiling. Usually when packaging is changed, it’s an overall design, not just the removal of fancy foil stamping. And an imposter is going to apply the most inexpensive application to it’s recreation, such as getting everything right, but removing the extra pricey step like foil stamping which brings a certain element and sophistication to the printing. Knowing it’s simply a nod-to mother earth & a response to the outcries of concerned customers (& that my product inside is still the same!) I can rest easy. 🙏