While toners generally provide extra cleansing and balance pH levels in the skin. Elastin Collagen Skin Toner with Vitamin A & E, goes a few steps further to help mature skin to stimulate and refine skin. Formulated with elastin and collagen, this toner will help strengthen the skin as it prepares it for the application of active serums and creams used afterward.
Why should I use a toner?
William Levins
Bill Levins, a marketing professional since the early 1990s, collaborated with clients like Campbellās Soup and PWC. In 2004, he began working with Reviva Labs, becoming VP of Marketing in January 2018 and President in June 2018. He led the company through challenges, including the founders' deaths and the COVID-19 pandemic. In June 2024, after Reviva Labs' acquisition by Sendayco LLC, Bill became VP of Marketing for Sendayco, overseeing multiple brands.