Webinar by Reviva Labs recorded September 28, 2023 - Who couldn’t use more relaxation and some at-home pampering during our stressful lives. Fortunately, it’s quick & easy to create the perfect at home spa day experience for yourself or to be shared with others. In this session of Talking Skincare we’ll help you craft the perfect at-home spa getaway routine.

Hi, I’m Elaine, your Talking Skincare host for Serenity Now!
It seems we all live super busy lives nowadays. Work, family, household chores, and simply day to day living can be a lot to deal with. The result, stress!
Stress can be devastating on your health and on your skin. Increased cortisol levels, the stress hormone, triggers a body wide inflammation storm. Internally it’s bad. But externally, stress can also manifest as psoriasis, rosacea, or eczema, extreme skin dryness, and even hair loss.
Or it can trigger trouble sleeping. Which will only exacerbate health and skin problems.
So, what can you do? Seek out serenity now!
Stress relief can come in many forms. Long walks, exercise, or for skincare fans like me – it’s a little self-care and pampering. If I have the time I’ll schedule a facial or a spa day. But these are usually luxuries.
So, instead I find my serenity when and where I can. Maybe it’s a few minutes of quiet time or affirmations during my drive to or from work. Maybe it’s a few minutes of quiet meditation at my desk or at home. Sometimes I find time to curl up with a good book. Or it’s a long snuggle with my cats or dogs or both!
One of my favorite ways to unwind and to destress is with an at-home spa treatment with Reviva’s products. While preparing my bubble bath, I’ll quickly wash my face with our Sea Salt Cleansing Gel. Then I’ll choose one of Reviva’s masks, either our Bamboo Charcoal, Fruit Enzyme, or Light Skin Peel and apply it. Then I’ll turn on some soothing tunes – for me that’s usually something from the 1980s – I’ll position my wine glass on the edge of the tub…. And I’ll slip into the bubbles.
After about 15 minutes of relaxation, I’ll use a damp washcloth the wash away my mask, rinse off, and step out of the tub. Then I use Reviva’s Elastin Collagen Body Lotion, my everyday ritual, afterwards I apply a serum and one of our moisturizers for a quick bit of pampering.
When I can finally get into bed, I spritz Reviva’s Rosewater onto my face and sheets. Finally, I’ll lie down to relax. At least until I’m canine stomped by my two dogs. This usually indicates my pampering is concluded. Though sometimes they’ll snuggle for a while longer.
The important thing is I’m taking time to alleviate the daily stress we all encounter. My at-home spa session might only be 15-20 minutes but the adjustment it makes in my mood and stress levels is intensely valuable.
We all deserve a little serenity. So, make time for yourself and take care of health. It doesn’t have to be a full-fledged spa retreat, simply make it quality quiet time. Your body, mind, and your skin will thank you for it.
Thank you for tuning into Talking Skincare with Reviva Labs. If you want to learn more, join us at 3pm Eastern Time via Instagram LIVE.
And remember, you can always schedule a free 15-minute virtual skincare consultation by visiting our website revivalabs.com. And don’t forget to sign up for future Talking Skincare webinars.
Take care and see you next time!