Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Nidia at Lit from Within uses Reviva’s Collagen-Fibre Eye Pad Kit to keep her eyes bright

Nidia at Lit from Within was excited to try Reviva’s Collagen-Fibre Eye Pad Kit – in hopes it would energize her eyes during the stressful holiday season. She loved that the treatment was easy and not time-consuming. Plus, she found that the eye pads staying on nicely – even if she couldn’t take the time to “relax” while she was doing her treatment.

She was especially happy with the results before holiday party – where the Collagen-Fibre Eye Pad Kit kept her eyes bright the whole night long.

“I did one treatment right before a holiday party, and it was the best accompaniment to my glittery eyeshadow.  My eyes were bright and sparkling the whole night long.  I’m going to use my last treatment for a little boost right before I go visit my family for the holidays.”

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