Monday, September 18, 2023

“Morning rituals to lift the spirit with @viveviajandocatracha 💗”

Andrea ( @viveviajandocatracha ) completes her morning with Reviva Labs’ skincare products! She mentions in her post that she say that “a few years now I always look to do morning rituals so I can have a full day”. Her morning ritual started with our Cleansing Milk, which penetrates deep into your pores to cleanse all the dirt from your skin. Next Andrea uses the Fruit Enzyme Mask that helps even skin’s appearance and it even improves your overall complexion. Following these products Andrea finshes up her routine with two products that work as an awesome duo: the Calming Renewal Serum and the Calming Rejuvenation Créme. Glowing skin is always in and our Calming Renewal Serum will do just that, your skin will be dewy looking and positively glowing! When pairing this seurm with the Calming Rejuvenation Créme you’ll see even better results, your skin will be calmed and nourished for a stunning, glowing, and younger-looking complexion!

After Andrea finishes her routine she mentions, “I’ve been trying @realrevivalabs now for a few weeks and I love it for its natural and vegan ingredients ✨ as I don’t like to use any kind of chemicals on my skin products 👌” Go try out this routine and see the results for yourself!

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