Why do I need a “Skin Prep”?

One of the questions we often get is “what’s the purpose of skin prep?” It’s [...]

How long should it take a new skin care product to work for your skin?

We live in a pretty impatient world. We have so much at our fingertips, it [...]

How do you determine your skin type?

Everyone’s skin is different. That’s why there is no single product or regimen that will [...]

Do you have dry skin? Or is it dehydrated?

If your skin feels dry or flaky, you probably think you have dry skin – [...]

What you need to know about combination skin

First of all: what is combination skin? Loosely defined, combination skin has both oily areas [...]

Shower tips for avoiding dry, irritated skin

You’ve likely been bathing or showering yourself for quite some time now, so you know [...]

Protect your skin from the sun this summer – and all year ‘round

By now, we all know the dangers of too much sun exposure. The sun’s ultraviolet [...]

Skin Benefits of Vitamin E

You’ll find Vitamin E in many skin care products – and that’s because it’s a [...]

What are serums, and how do they fit into a skin care routine?

Finding a great skin care routine takes time. And your routine will change over time [...]

Keeping your skin clean requires more than just a great cleansing routine

You take great care of your skin. You’ve researched your skin type, done your homework [...]

Reviva Labs: Trusted for Generations

When Stephen Strassler started Reviva Labs in 1973, the world of skin care was very [...]

What are antioxidants? And why are they such an important part of a skin care routine?

You’ve likely heard about antioxidants and how important they are when it comes to taking [...]

Be gentle on your skin – no matter your skin type

Regardless of your skin type, dermatologists and other skin care experts agree that one of [...]

Peptides and Their Anti-Aging Skincare Benefits

When it comes to skin care – especially anti-aging skin care – it all comes [...]

Vitamin C: Skin Care Superstar

Most of us have heard about getting lots of Vitamin C in our diets to [...]

Rosewater’s Many Skin Benefits

Rose water is a pretty simple ingredient; after all, it is simply rose petals distilled [...]

Do skincare products expire?

Yes! Though it can be difficult to throw away your partially full bottles of your [...]

Is your skin sensitive?

Many people claim to have sensitive skin – usually because they notice dryness or redness, [...]

How to correctly layer your skin care products

At Reviva Labs, we’ve been long-time proponents of layering skin care products. You’ll often find [...]

Free Radical Damage and How to Fight it

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to skin care is fighting free radical [...]