Judith Strassler – our co-founder, owner, and current CEO – celebrated her unstoppable zest for life by ringing the bell three times after her triumph over cancer. Judy, who suffered the loss of her mother and husband in 2016 was blindsided with a cancer diagnosis in late 2017.
But resilient as always, she vowed to beat it, and she went through several weeks and multiple rounds of chemotherapy with great success. Judy even came to work each week during her treatments, unfazed, and adamant that she wasn’t giving up. Everyone at Reviva rallied around her and offered her support and help in any way they could. As a tight knit “family” Judy is considered our matriarch by everyone at Reviva and a second mother to most.
After her final chemo session and in subsequent exams, her doctors have given her a healthy thumbs up. And Judy continues to work each day with the same indomitable spirit and proves to be an inspiration to everyone at Reviva.