Living in LA county, where youth and beauty reign supreme, finding the best skin care is easy if you know where to look. For over 49 years, Reviva Labs has been addressing skin care concerns with the most efficacious formulas available.
As an employee, and one of our loyal customers, I have come to expect cutting-edge formulas at prices that fit my budget. While the standard treatment in Tinseltown is to BOTOX®, Restylane®, and Juvaderm® yourself silly, Reviva Labs has the perfect, not-so-secret answer as to how to treat your skin at a fraction of the cost. Just think, no more duck lips or faces that cannot show expression (well, that’s probably a good thing in Hollywood since there are many questionable things to come out of the studios)
So, what would I recommend?
Reviva Labs Hyaluronic Acid serum! It’s formulated to combat the signs of aging, delivering a more supple appearance to the face by drawing moisture to the skin. And moisture, as we all know, is key to maintaining that youthful glow. Wouldn’t it be nice to have men and/or women, not of a certain age, drawn to you and your fresh-faced attractiveness? Wouldn’t that be a welcome change to your pocketbook? $24.00 per bottle versus $1000s on treatments? Doesn’t the prospect of looking younger, costing less than a gallon of gasoline, excite you to your very core? As it should.
The next time you’re out and about and waiting for your big break, there will be one less thing to worry about. Your skin and its overall healthy appearance. Why, you may even be considered for a part that is years younger than your actual age.

And that my friends, is what we all strive for (don’t let anyone tell you differently because they would be lying). Health, happiness, and great looking skin!