KINGS | Balducci’s Center Store Summit 2020

Brichwood Manor 111 N. Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ, United States

This opportunity has Reviva Labs presenting our skin care to Kings and Balducci's Associates, store managers, department managers, and senior leaders. Reviva will be presenting our current trends, featured products, and future products.

The difference between chemical and physical exfoliation

Online Webinar 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States

Join Reviva Labs' Webinar to learn the difference between chemical and physical exfoliation. We'll explain why and when each type of exfoliation might be best, what results you can expect, and how frequently you should exfoliate. Why use an exfoliator What are the differences between chemical/physical exfoliation What results can you expect When & how [...]

What causes dark spots and discoloration in skin

Online Webinar 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States

Join Reviva Labs' Webinar to learn the underlying causes of skin discoloration, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. And discover which products can help brighten discolored skin. Undereye dark circles Melasama Age spots From brightening and firming to restoring and anti-aging – and everything in between – Reviva has it covered. It’s smart skin care [...]

How to prevent wrinkles and skin problems while you’re still young

Online Webinar 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States

Join Reviva Labs' Webinar to understand the contributing factors to skin aging. Learn simple, preventative skin treatments to use while you're young to avoid wrinkles and skin problems in the future. Causes of wrinkles Preventative anti-aging measures Avoiding future skin issues From brightening and firming to restoring and anti-aging – and everything in between – [...]

Why protecting your skin from the sun is so important

Online Webinar 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States

Join Reviva Labs' Webinar to understand why protecting your skin from the sun is probably the single most important preventative skin care step you should take every day. Sun protection Understanding SPF Chemical vs physical sun protection From brightening and firming to restoring and anti-aging – and everything in between – Reviva has it covered. [...]

How to smartly improve a blemished complexion

Online Webinar 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States

Join Reviva Labs' Webinar and learn how to care for, treat, and improve blemished and problem skin. We'll discuss what causes blemishes, problem skin, and how to overall improve your complexion. Solving blemished skin What causes problem skin From brightening and firming to restoring and anti-aging – and everything in between – Reviva has it [...]

Reviva Labs’ Virtual Zoom Demo #1 – July 29 @ 1pm ET

Virtual Zoom Demo 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join Reviva Labs for our inaugural Virtual Zoom Demo - July 29th at 1pm ET - try four of our products in the comfort of your own home. Sign-up today for this scheduled demo and we'll send you four product samples (7ml each) to try and apply during the demo. On the date of the [...]

What to use in the morning and night for a simple, effective skin care routine

Online Webinar 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States

Join Reviva Labs' Webinar to learn some simple steps for caring for your skin day and night. Quick simple routines for AM and PM skin care. Simple morning skin care Easy nighttime skin care From brightening and firming to restoring and anti-aging – and everything in between – Reviva has it covered. It’s smart skin [...]


Reviva Labs’ Virtual Zoom Demo #2 – Aug 26 @ 1pm ET

Virtual Zoom Demo 705 Hopkins Rd, Haddonfield, NJ, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Zoom with Reviva Labs during our 2nd Virtual Zoom Demo - Aug 26th at 1pm ET - try four of our products in the comfort of your own home. Sign-up today for this scheduled demo and we'll send you four product samples (7ml each) to try and apply during the demo. On the date of [...]


Natural Products Expo East 2020

Pennsylvania Convention Center 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Natural Products Expo East 2020 is all about connecting. Connecting brands with buyers, entrepreneurs with investors, and experts with those striving to learn more. And then we take a step back to seen how we are all connected by an industry driven by enthusiasm and passion. The New Hope Network is at the forefront of [...]