We’re not fans of refrigerating skin care products; here’s why.

There’s been a spike in folks online and offline recommending you keep your skin care products refrigerated. The reasons for doing this vary. Some suggest it keeps opened products fresher longer. Others suggest it improves the calming effect. And still others hint that it helps with absorption. The reality is these concepts are mostly all incorrect.

Reviva’s products, and most others, are formulated to remain stable and function optimally at between 55º F and 85º F. That’s not to say they’ll be ineffective or spoil if exposed to slightly lower or higher temperatures, but prolonged exposure to temperatures outside of the norm can contribute to degradation.

We’re always very conscious of high or low temperatures when we’re shipping in raw ingredients or shipping out final products (to distributors or retailers or consumers). Freezing is of particular concern for us since the majority of our products contain a large percentage of water. If the product freezes it expands and can break the bottle. Or it can cause the products to crystalize when frozen and upon thawing cause it to separate or cause issues in other ways. The same is true for excessively high temperatures which can cause oils in our formulas to destabilize or cause other similar issues.

Refrigerators don’t reach freezing, right?

While it’s true that most refrigerators don’t normally reach 32º F it doesn’t mean that prolonged exposure won’t effect our products. Some mini-fridges that have small freezer compartments and items placed in close proximity to this area often freeze. And excessive cold exposure isn’t the only problem. Refrigerators are also very dry environments. This can cause products that aren’t tightly closed after each use to lose moisture. This dehydration due to the interior environment of the “fridge” can negatively affect products.

But what about the stated reasons for chilling skin care products?

Does it keep opened skin care fresher longer? In the majority of cases, no, and as for reasons stated above it might actually degrade the product.

Will it calm your skin better? Yes and no. Yes, cold creams, lotions, and serums will have a slight beneficial effect just as placing a cold compress on your skin might – it will reduce puffiness. But if the product has been negatively affected due to the cold, you’re sacrificing the benefits of the formula, trading it for a temporary “cold pack” effect.

Does chilling skin care make it absorb better? Generally, probably not. Again, our skin care products are designed to work optimally at a typical room temperature range. We focus on absorption. But when you chill a formula, especially those that have lots of natural oils, you can actually hinder absorption since oils congeal when chilled.

Our recommendation; skip the fridge, and instead store your skin care products in a cool, dry place. Avoid areas that are excessively cold or warm or that have high or low levels of moisture. The simple rule of thumb, if you feel comfortable (with a location’s environmental temperature and humidity), then your skin care product should be good there too. Our one caveat: if you, like many, store your products in your bathroom and you’re also partial to steamy hot showers – make sure your medicine cabinet or area where your skin care is doesn’t get too humid and be sure you always close your products tightly.

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